Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Phi Theta Kappa

I'm finally a member!!!


Last Thursday, Nov. 5th was my induction. It was awesome... Candle lightin, doing our pledge, stating our name and major on stage... What a great experience!

Alpha Theta Theta is the chapter of my school Essex County College...

Today, I attended my first meeting as a member. I mean, I've been to a meeting before but that was when I wasn't a member yet!!!!

I don't know, I'm just so ecstatic about it...

Oh, and we did a Walk for Hunger.. Two miles walk to raise awareness about the increasing hunger problem in our world today, even here in our own Newark....

Tomorrow, we're raising awareness about Leukemia and Lymphoma... I couldn't really attend because of my clinical duty tomorrow so to all who's reading this blog please make an effort to donate to your local hospital or other associations raising awareness about Leukemia and Lymphoma because every 4minutes a child or a loved one is being diagnosed of these horrible diseases. It might be someone you know, so please take some time to inform others about these and make some donations..

Thanks to all!


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